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Get the exact color by RGB color code, RGB/Hex code by hovering on a colored area or convert RGB code to Hex color code

Get the exact color by RGB color code, RGB/Hex code by hovering on a colored area or convert RGB code to Hex color code

Vote: (11 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Empyrean Infotech Pvt. Ltd.


Works under: Windows


Program license

(11 votes)




Empyrean Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Works under:



  • Direct color code extraction from screen
  • Instant visual feedback upon color selection
  • Supports both RGB and Hex code formats
  • Convenient copy-to-clipboard feature
  • User-friendly interface with non-intrusive error messages
  • Consistently updated and supported


  • Prerequisite installations may be required
  • May be unnecessary for those without specific color code needs

Effortless Color Code Retrieval with RGB Color Finder

RGB Color Finder is a dynamic and user-friendly desktop utility designed to streamline the process of identifying and converting color codes on Windows systems. Tailored for a broad audience base, from graphic designers to software developers, this application offers an exceptionally intuitive way to extract RGB and Hex color codes from various sources.

Core Functionalities and Ease of Use

The hallmark feature of RGB Color Finder is its ability to quickly provide you with the RGB and Hex code for any color displayed on your screen. By simply moving the cursor over the color in question, the application automatically populates the corresponding color code into designated input boxes. This direct approach is not only a timesaver but also enhances workflow efficiency.

Moreover, the program allows users to input RGB values manually. Upon submission, RGB Color Finder displays the equivalent Hex code and updates the application’s background with your selected color. This feature provides immediate visual feedback, confirming the accuracy of the extracted color.

The reverse is just as effortless—simply enter the Hex code to view and verify the RGB breakdown. This versatile functionality is exceptionally beneficial for those who work with different color code formats across various platforms and software.

Additional Features

Aside from its core color-finding capabilities, RGB Color Finder incorporates supplementary tools designed to make the user experience even more comprehensive. It displays mouse coordinates—a useful addition for precision-based tasks—and offers a convenient option to copy all color codes to the clipboard.

User-friendliness extends to the availability of real-time help and error messaging. Errors, such as incorrect code entry, are handled gracefully within the interface itself, avoiding disruptions typically caused by intrusive dialog boxes.

The application's dedicated official page stands as a resource for updates, full changelog reviews, and troubleshooting guidance, ensuring users can stay up-to-date and overcome any potential challenges with ease.

Design and Aesthetics

Striking a balance between aesthetics and functionality, the interface of RGB Color Finder is both appealing and thoughtfully arranged. The application is designed to be attractive without sacrificing usability, offering options and settings intuitively placed for easy accessibility.

Installation and Requirements

To enjoy the benefits of this application, the system requirement involves installing certain prerequisites. Fortunately, these required components are automatically installed during the application's setup process, which is a testament to the software's commitment to providing a frictionless installation experience.

Evolution and Support

RGB Color Finder is continuously evolving, enhancing its offerings to align with the needs and expectations of its user community. Both developers and casual users will find the software aligns well with various projects and tasks, including but not limited to, programming language color assignments and office suite design efforts.

In Conclusion

The versatility and straightforward approach of RGB Color Finder make it an indispensable tool for a multitude of users. Whether you are involved in software development or simply need to maintain brand consistency across digital content, this application has been crafted to address your color identification and conversion needs proficiently.


  • Direct color code extraction from screen
  • Instant visual feedback upon color selection
  • Supports both RGB and Hex code formats
  • Convenient copy-to-clipboard feature
  • User-friendly interface with non-intrusive error messages
  • Consistently updated and supported


  • Prerequisite installations may be required
  • May be unnecessary for those without specific color code needs